Maximizing Life-Education Division

Maximizing Life’s trainings focuses on transformation rather than merely the transmission of information. We firmly believe that learning should be active and that the best of andragogy needs to be reflected in the discovery process.

About James Womack

We “VOWEL” to Make a Difference

We believe adult learnars embrace and adopt what they discover more so than what they are told. Sessions are assessment based, enlightening, interactive, outcomes focused and unity building. Maximizing Life uses Wiley DiSC Tools for assessments. Each DiSC tool begins with you gaining an understanding of your DiSC Style. Then it builds upon that to help you understand your behavioral priorities, the behavioral priorities of others, and how to adapt your behavior to maximize results through relationships. Unleashing the power of DiSC is far more than understanding your style/letter.

We "VOWEL" to Make a Difference

Our training focuses on the transformation rather than the transmission of information We firmly believe that learning should be active and that the best of andragogy needs to be reflected in the discovery process. We believe adult learners embrace and adopt what they discover moreso than what they are told. Our sessions focus on discovery because it becomes part of the person. Below is a summary of our training. We firmly believe that people must embody team values if they are going to effectively be team players.

Assessment Based: Our training is not based solely upon an author's theories but the participants' input. Participants take an assessment prior to training and then evaluate, learn, and make commitments based upon their data.

Enlightening: The assessments that we use will be enlightening to most participants. Our tools have been proven to be extremely accurate. We use empirically reliable tools instead of marketing savvy tools. The tools provide pages of information and comparative data so that they can see how their preferences and tendencies interact with others preferences and tendencies.

Interactive: Our sessions are interactive because we are using the input and feedback on the assessments as our curriculum. Our focus is not just to get people moving but to get the group to make progress while they are moving. Our sessions entail liberal amounts of time for questions, feedback, analysis and evaluation. We strive to move people toward the higher order thinking skills.

Outcomes based: We measure our success by the change in student performance, ability to relate to peers, supervisors, and work culture.

Unifying: It is difficult for teachers to focus on teaching when they are at odds with their peers. It is difficult for administrators to help students when relational and style differences take up time that should be devoted to student performance. Staff employees spend a great deal of their years together, they can tear down unnecessary barriers when they discover their preferences and tendencies and the strengths of others preferences and tendencies.

Personal Development

Resolving Conflict in Workplace: Calm Down and Work Empowerment Session (Productive Conflict)-Ideal for showing greater empathy.

Conflict is inevitable, how one manages it should be intentional! Calm Down and Work! helps participants improve self-awareness around conflict behaviors. Calm Down and Work! provides participants with techniques to curb destructive behaviors and effectively respond to conflict situations. The program features an exploration of DiSC® in a conflict context, provides an opportunity for participants to explore their destructive conflict responses, and offers them a method for making more productive choices in their response to conflict.

Improving Staff Culture! Exponential EQ Empowerment Session (Agile EQ)-Ideal for learning to exercise emotional intelligence!

Exponential EQ is a classroom training and personalized learning experience that teaches participants to read the emotional and interpersonal needs of a situation and respond accordingly. By combining the personalized insights of DiSC® with active emotional intelligence development, participants discover an agile approach to workplace interactions and learn to navigate outside their comfort zone, empowering them meet the demands of any situation.

Team Development

Team Building 101: Designed for New Teams or Teams New to DiSC!

Building a Dream Team training utilizes Everything DiSC Workplace® on Catalyst™, the best-selling Everything DiSC Workplace® experience to the next level. Designed to engage everyone in building more effective relationships at work, Building a Dream Team helps people adapt to others in real-time, unlocking engagement and inspiring more effective collaboration.

Becoming a High-Performance A-Team (Five Behaviors of a Team)

Ideal for established teams. The program helps teams understand how they score on the key components of The Five Behaviors model: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. Individual team members will learn about their own personality style and the styles of their team members—based on the Everything DiSC® model—and how their style contributes to the team’s overall success.

Becoming A Great Team Player (Five Behaviors Personal Development)

This powerful virtual or in-person experience assesses an individual’s approach to teamwork, provides personalized insights on how they can more effectively work with others, and teaches participants the critical behaviors and interpersonal skills needed to work together effectively. The result is a unique and impactful team development solution that empowers individuals to rethink their approach to teamwork, shape new, more productive behaviors to increase productivity, and create a common language that completely redefines what it means to work together to build a culture of teamwork.

About James Womack”

Manager and Leadership Development

Maximizing Your PLC Management (DiSC Management)-Ideal for growing your management impact!

Maximizing Your PLC Management uses Everything DiSC® Management. It offers a customizable development solution proven to increase the effectiveness of anyone in a management role–whether managing direct reports or the relationship with their own manager.

Individual Profile Fee: $120 | Team Training Fee: $3500

Principals Leadership Boot Camp (Work of Leaders)-Ideal for enhancing leadership best practices!

Leader’s Boot Camp utilizes Everything DiSC Work of Leaders®. It lays out a clear path for helping leaders at all levels make the connection between their DiSC® style and leadership. Bringing together best practices from 300 experts in over 150 organizations, the important work of the most prominent scholars, and over Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® years of additional research and development, this all-inclusive classroom and online program approaches leadership as a one-to-many relationship (as opposed to the one-to-one relationship explored in Everything DiSC Management). With one unified model of leadership—vision, alignment, and execution—it focuses on helping leaders understand their own leadership styles and how their tendencies influence their effectiveness in specific leadership situations.

Individual Profile Fee: $120 | Team Training Fee: $3500

Principal’s High Impact Coaching:

Maximizing Life defines coaching as working with the client to reach their goals, think through challenges, determine strategy, and define critical pathways to reach goals. Maximizing Life will serve as a sounding board capitalizing on the expertise of the client.

Monthly Coaching Fee: $1000

Principal’s High Impact Consulting:

Consulting for Maximizing Life entails ensuring the organization has a credible and actionable strategic plan and ensuring management has the skills necessary to scale and expand the organization’s goals.

Monthly Coaching Fee: $1000

Individual Debrief:

The individual debrief focuses on interpreting the report and development of action steps. The reports are clear but sometimes it can be overwhelming knowing where to start in developing an action plan to improve performance. This session is designed to address your questions, summarize findings and to develop executable action plans.

Hourly Debriefing Fee: $250/hour

Manager and Leadership Development

Maximizing Your PLC Management (DiSC Management)-Ideal for growing your management impact!

Maximizing Your PLC Management uses Everything DiSC® Management. It offers a customizable development solution proven to increase the effectiveness of anyone in a management role–whether managing direct reports or the relationship with their own manager.

Principals Leadership Boot Camp (Work of Leaders)-Ideal for enhancing leadership best practices!

Leader’s Boot Camp utilizes Everything DiSC Work of Leaders®. It lays out a clear path for helping leaders at all levels make the connection between their DiSC® style and leadership. Bringing together best practices from 300 experts in over 150 organizations, the important work of the most prominent scholars, and over Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® years of additional research and development, this all-inclusive classroom and online program approaches leadership as a one-to-many relationship (as opposed to the one-to-one relationship explored in Everything DiSC Management). With one unified model of leadership—vision, alignment, and execution—it focuses on helping leaders understand their own leadership styles and how their tendencies influence their effectiveness in specific leadership situations.

Principal’s High Impact Coaching:

Maximizing Life defines coaching as working with the client to reach their goals, think through challenges, determine strategy, and define critical pathways to reach goals. Maximizing Life will serve as a sounding board capitalizing on the expertise of the client.

Principal’s High Impact Consulting:

Consulting for Maximizing Life entails ensuring the organization has a credible and actionable strategic plan and ensuring management has the skills necessary to scale and expand the organization’s goals.

Individual Debrief:

The individual debrief focuses on interpreting the report and development of action steps. The reports are clear but sometimes it can be overwhelming knowing where to start in developing an action plan to improve performance. This session is designed to address your questions, summarize findings and to develop executable action plans.

Packages Overview

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